Here's a look back at a post I published nearly two years ago. I am currently working on a new video using the iPhone 5 and The new Dragon dictate for mac and iPhone.
There have been many changes but as you can see Dragon has always been a real favourite for me and feel that I am now growing with the technology. The mac edition of Dragon has improved leaps and bounds.
Check back soon for a new video.
As an iPhone user of over a year I have found that it has aided me greatly with its many apps aimed towards assistive technology.
Firstly I would like to start with Dragon Naturally Speaking and the iPhone. Dragon is a superior software program in its field – it accurately transforms speech into text. It is available for both Windows and Mac (the Mac version is called ‘MacSpeech Dictate’). However, with both of these computer version there is a compulsory 15 minute tutorial so the program can effectively understand the tone and style of your voice. The Dragon Naturally Speaking version available for the iPhone simply allows you to begin straight away and with the same accuracy as I show here
There are many people that can gain from the use of this application. Anybody who is on the move and would like to document something quickly and effortlessly. Maybe somebody who is more comfortable talking than writing, it has a great potential market. You can also email the completed document if you wish. Then copy over into Word , or anything other application you feel necessary.
As mentioned previously it is a fantastic app to have on the move. You are not tied down to your desktop – you can use this application absolutely anywhere – as long as you have your iPhone. Other smartphones, such as Blackberry are planned to soon follow suit.