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Showing posts from July, 2013

Olympus DM-670 & Olympus Sonority

We've been testing out the Olympus DM-670 Digital Recorder and the Olympus Sonority software for Mac. Here is a video looking at some of the features we've found useful.  

What is Dyslexia Dyslexia Dyspraxia Dyscalculia Dysgraphia ADD/ADHD

Specific learning difficulties often occur in people of average or above average intelligence and they involve problems with one or more of the basic processes used in understanding or using spoken or written language. Examples of SLD's are dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia. Difficulties experienced may include problems with word recognition, aspects of reading comprehension, and aspects of writing and/or spelling. The exact nature and extent of these difficulties will vary from one student to another. SLD's have only recently been identified and still often go undiagnosed. Although described as separate conditions, they usually in fact overlap with one another, and most people with specific learning difficulties will experience more than one condition. There are three to four time more common amongst men than women and people who have experienced them are generally of an average or above average intelligence.;

TextHelp Competition Winner

Please Note: This competition has now finished. 'For your chance to win a copy of Read&Write TextHelp , all you need to do is tell us if you're using a Mac or PC and What assistive technology means to you...' Our winner, Stephania (pictured below), explained to us that Assistive Technology to her was not just about disability but about communication.  She stressed the importance of applications like TextHelp for those who English is a second language. Jonathan Walker from TextHelp came along to present Stephania with her prize and I'm sure we will work with Jonathan and the rest of the TextHelp team more in the future. Congratulations to Stephania and a huge thank you to TextHelp. See some of our TextHelp videos and more below..